Monday, November 22, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

these colors are example of complementary :

these colors are example of analogous colors:

these pictures  are example of  complementary colors

Thursday, October 28, 2010

rule of thirds

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?

dirt in the lower right intersection and play ground  in the upper left intersection

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?
portable in the upper left intersection and tree in the upper right

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?
portable inthe middle right intersection and tree in the upper right
-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?

portable middle left intersection and the trees upper right

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?

baseball field in the lower left intersection  and trees in the uppe middle

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?
trees in the upper right and the walkway in the  middle  intersection

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?
walkway in the middle and trees  the upper right 

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?
walkway lower left intersection  and portables l the whole  right intersection

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?

portables left intersection and field middle intersection

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?
 walkway  bottom intersection, portables right intersection

-How did you use the rule of thirds to compose this image?
the building is in the middle intersection and the dumpster in the lower left intersection